

Crea tu espacio · Prayer closet, corner & room, bible study

Christy Goodwin

The Spoof Spool

Christian Disciplines by Caitlin Riddle

Mucha gente está rezando contigo · A lot of people are praying with you

Sweet Catholic Life, 2024

Mother Teresa and her rosary during her speech at Bellarmine College, 1982

"Woman with Rosary" by C. Wintle, 19th Century

Peregrina · Pilgrimage

Algunos libros · Some books

Bead by Bead: The Scriptural Rosary, by Meggie K. Daly

How to Make and Pray Rosaries & Chaplets, by Tyra Murray

Prayers From the Heart, by Steve Shawl

El peregrino ruso // The way of a pilgrim

Pray The Rosary, by Rev. J.M. Lelen, Ph.D.

Rosarium Virginis Mariae, by Joannes Paulus PP II

Suport. Per a viure la pregària, by Jesús Renau i Manén, S.I.

El espacio interior, by Anselm Grün

The Way of the Rose, by Clark Strand and Perdita Finn

Biblias · Bibles

BCI Bíblia Catalana Interconfessional

Biblia de Jerusalén

NET Bible (New English Translation), Thomas Nelson